Georgia Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
GAPAN | Established 1977

GAPAN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED: PeriAnesthesia Nurse Awareness Week- National Conference Scholarships- Apply by February 20, 2022

Posted about 3 years ago in Scholarship

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PeriAnesthesia Nurse Awareness Week- National Conference Scholarships

The Georgia Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses recognizes and supports the excellence in perianesthesia nursing practice within our members. The ability to continue to maintain a high level of practice requires continuous readiness, current knowledge of existing trends in practice, and dedication to clinical excellence.

The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses 2022 National Conference will offer two attendance options, in-person and virtual.

The in-person conference will be held April 7-10, 2022, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is a four-day conference in a new format with most educational activities over the weekend. Post-conference, all recorded sessions will be made available to in-person attendees beginning May 9 through September 5, 2022. This represents an opportunity to earn up to 80 contact hours!

The online option will begin May 9 and participants will have until September 5 to complete their selected courses.

The Georgia Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, in celebration of PeriAnesthesia Nurse Awareness Week (PANAW) is offering four $500 national conference scholarships.

To qualify:

  1. Must be currently employed in perianesthesia nursing with a minimum of two (2) years of experience in any phase in perianesthesia nursing.
  2. Must be an active member of ASPAN/GAPAN in good standing for the past two (2) years prior to the application deadline.
  3. Documentation of three activities you are involved in that support perianesthesia nursing at the local, state, or national level.
  4. GAPAN Leadership/ BOD are ineligible to apply.

To Apply:

Deadline for submission: Sunday, February 20, 2022

Application Link:

Scholarship winners will be notified by email and award will be issued via check. Confirmation of address will occur post-award notification.